Zikr of Allah
Ahle Sunnat wal Jama'at
Every human spirit needs to be sustained. This sustenance is the light of Allah, attained through the friends of Allah. To gain spiritual insight one must immerse every abode of oneself in Zikr. This is taught by many respected qualified teachers who have permission and knowledge to guide seekers.
Anyone can do Zikr of Allah regardless of what race or faith, however one must take into account these lessons require a trained spiritual mentor to guide you through your spiritual journey.
What does Qalbi Zikr mean?
Zikr means constantly repeating the name of Allah.
Zikr of Allah exists in all parts of the world, but many people have dwelled in the rich’s of the world, which has swept their minds away. Due to this they haven’t acknowledged or experienced Zikr.
Zikr of Allah has existed for hundreds of years to this living day. Through which goodness can be gained from in this life and in the hereafter. Zikr of Allah is simply reciting our mighty Allah’s name within your heart.
How to perform Qalbi Zikr?
Start by saying the name of God: Allah, Allah, Allah within your heart in silence. The tongue is not used in this method, rather it is recommended to touch it to the upper side of the mouth to keep silent. The student should imagine the name of Allah in golden Arabic writing printing on your heart and in vision every essence of Allah’s name appearing within your heart, by doing this you will be awakening your spiritual heart.
Initially, it might be difficult to do this Zikr all the time due to worldly life, however with good practice and teacher’s guidance, the heart becomes constant to this Zikr to a point where it becomes as easy as breathing.
The Spiritual Points in the body
According to the Naqshbandi Saifi order
Similar to the physical body having vital organs, the spirit also possesses unique points (Lataa'if) to which the Zikr of Allah is applied to revitalise the spirit. Many highly respected scholars of various Sufi orders have identified these points on various parts of the body. It is on these points that one should immerse Allah’s name in order to cleanse the soul, by doing this you will achieve true closeness to Allah Almighty, our creator.
Where are these Spiritual Organs (Lataa'if)?
The Sufi Spiritual Healing process rejuvenates the body’s life force and strengthens it through several focal points throughout the body. The spiritual technique produces a neuro-psychological effect which leads the central nervous system to produce a carefully orchestrated endocrine response which relieves pain, heals the disease of the affected areas, and balances the entire body. Lataa'if's are spiritual "organs" or, sometimes, faculties of sensory and super sensory perception in Sufi psychology. They are thought to be parts of the self in a similar manner to the way glands and organs are part of the body. Drawing from the Qur'an, many Sufis distinguish Qalb, Ruh, Sirr, Khafi, Akhfa, and Nafs in place of spiritual post on the body (Lataa'if's).
Among Sufis, spiritual development involves awakening centres of perception that lie dormant in every person. The help of a guide is considered necessary to help activate them in a certain order. Each centre is associated with a particular colour, a general area of the body, and often with a particular Prophet. Activation of all these "centres" is part of the inner methodology of the Sufi way or "Work". Purification of the elementary passionate nature (Tazkiyat an-Nafs), cleansing the spiritual heart (Tazkiyat al-Qalb), becoming a receptacle of divine love (ishq), illumination of the spirit (Tajjali ar-Ruh), emptying ego drives (Taqliyyat as-Sirr) and remembering the divine attributes, often through repetition of the name of ALLAH, (Zikr) are a process by which the dervish is said to reach a certain type of inner peace and love.
Similar concepts in other spiritual systems include the Dantian mentioned in traditional Chinese medicine, martial arts and meditation, the sephiroth of kabbalah and the chakras of Indian Tantra and Kundalini yoga.
Lateefah Qalb (The Heart)
The Lateefa is located two finger-widths below the left breast in the chest, slightly towards the side.
Imagine Allah's name الله on your Qalb in golden writing. The main focus of this lesson is that your heart is cleared from lust and love of worldly desires, and true devotion is for Allah and the importance in observing Shariat and Sunnat.
To perform Qalbi Zikr you should find an authentically Trained Spiritual Practitioner/Teacher who can mentor you on your spiritual journey so you always receive clear and correct guidance.
