Hidden secrets of the Soul
Every man, woman and child has a spirit which holds many secrets.
Seekers of spirituality must take into account that this path cannot be walked without the help and guidance of an authentic teacher (spiritual guide). Sacred knowledge can only be learnt from authentically qualified teacher's e.g. a student of mathematics cannot hope to understand the subject by merely reading a book and following his own interpretation, he needs a teacher who has studied mathematics to teach him its true meaning. Progress in this field depends on how keen and truthful the seeker is and how much the seeker adheres to, loves and respects the teacher.
The purpose of human life is to worship the Creator and everything can become a form of worship with sincere intention. Remembering Allah is a continuous, ongoing and progressive form of worship and it is easy and can be done anytime and anywhere.
Alam-e-Amar (Dimension of Order)
Dimension of Order means free from composition of elements which is created with the indication of KUN (this is an Arabic word which means "become"), for example the spiritual organ is a connection of purity. Dimension of Order is above the first sky. The root of all five spiritual organs of Dimension of Order i.e. Qalb, Ruh, Sirr, Khafi, Akhfa is above the first sky. Allah put the spiritual organs of Alam-e-Amr in a few places in the body for guardianship so that humans can achieve closeness to Allah through them. Dimension of Order is also called the Secret Dimension, Dimension of Souls, Dimension of Wonders, and Moral Dimension.
Alam-e-Khalq (Dimension of Formation)
Everything under the sky to the lowest point of universe (bottom of Thara) is called Dimension of Formation and everything in this dimension is created from 4 material elements. These elements are air, water, fire and soil. The root of the body (Nafs) is connected to the spiritual organ called Qalb, root of air is connected to the spiritual organ called Ruh, root of water is connected to spiritual organ called Sirr, root of fire is connected to spiritual organ called Khafi, and root of soil is connected to spiritual organ called Akhfa. Dimension of Creation is also called, Dimension of Consequence, Dimension of Materiality, Dimension of Shahada and Earthly Dimension.
It takes time and effort to achieving a perfect balance of all, but once they have been established within the self, the individual naturally pulls away from the ties that binds one to the world and feels closer in his connection with Allah and with the reality and purpose of his life.