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Help us Support real Change in our Community 

There are hundreds if not thousands of people suffering in silence, from broken homes, forced marriages, domestic violence, strained family relationships and much more.  However, most common cause for breakdown of society is not knowing where to turn. If help was provided sooner it could prevent many broken relationships and stress related illnesses.


Stress is one of the Biggest Killer today - people don’t receive help when it is most vital which leads onto anxiety and depression, leaving them with a very bleak outlook on life and very little hope for change.  Surrounded by this negativity it is young children who suffer and are most deeply affected as they cannot understand what parents are going through.  We are opening this Centre to provide the crucial support for youngsters and adults. Also for our brothers & sisters new to Islam full support and guidance is provided, our open door policy is for adults and children alike, we will endeavour to do our best to support you, our aim is to give you the correct guidance and support.


The Qur'an States


Those who believe and their hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah; By remembering Allah truly satisfaction comes to the heart. (13:28).


We believe in Allah and that which has been sent on us and that sent down on Abraham Ismael Isaac Jacob and their descendants and that which was given to Moses and Jesus and was given to all the prophets, from their Lord. We make no distinction between anyone of them and we surrender ourselves to Allah alone. (2:136).


Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) taught us how to love, how to worship, how to accept, how to forgive, how to be humble, how not to judge one another and by working together love and blessings are increased! We are working on these principles of our beloved Prophet (S.A.W) and by the will of Allah are hoping to complete this project by the end of this year and all your support is much needed to make this mission possible.


We are opening a new centre in Birmingham to support our Community by helping troubled children/teenagers off the streets, giving true guidance of what Islam truly states. Also helping people identify radicalisation & extremism and to ensure none of the families suffer the same heartache as those who have fallen victim to this.


We will be teaching the Quraan with translations and true Islamic values according to Quran and Sunnah. We will have an “open door policy” to assist you in any way possible. To date we have had great results in helping many sufferers of depression and stress related issues. Islam means Peace and that is exactly what our ethos and beliefs are:

Our aim is to bring peace and tranquility into the lives of many.  


We have many great testimonials from people whom have benefitted immensely and are forever grateful for our ongoing support and guidance (testimonials available upon request).


Once a week we will be providing a free meal. All are welcome.


This Centre will be very unique and inspiring for the younger generations as well as the old. Our Aim is to bring the community together.


We want to help build a happier, healthier, and stronger community, offering help advice on all issues affecting people every day and providing guidance on every aspect of Islam. True values, true teachings, and true beliefs.

In just a few short months we have made quick progress on our new building with massive support given by the community and their generous donations; however we are still in need of all your support to further this project and be able to help our community and children prosper. Our children are our future and the leaders of tomorrow.


Together we can succeed on this mission of unity! your charitable donations will be remembered for many generations to come and success in the hereafter. (May Allah grant you peace and prosperity) Aameen.


Donation of money or materials required for construction of new Class Rooms, Floors, Walls, Ceilings, Partitions, Doors, Windows, and new Carpets needed.


Feel free to come and visit us.



If you wish to Donate using Bank Direct Debt, then please find details below:



Account Number:   18913091

Sort Code:              52-21-00

Charity Number:     1170286

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